
Becky Kozma Becky Kozma

SCOBY Fruit Leather

With each batch of kombucha, the SCOBY grows and eventually, you will have an excess of SCOBY’s.

SCOBY’s are the ‘Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast’ aka the mother of kombucha, that gives kombucha its health benefits. While SCOBY’s look odd, they are a rich source of healthy bacteria and insoluble fibre that helps the body remove waste.

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Becky Kozma Becky Kozma

Sourdough Starter

Wild yeast; a fermented mixture of flour and water is the ingredient at the heart of sourdough bread.

This simple step-by-step guide will walk you through the process from start to finish, perfecting your sourdough starter.

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Becky Kozma Becky Kozma

Loving Yourself

There will always be parts of your life that you want to grow in or shift, but that is the beauty of it all. To keep learning and growing while being patient and kind to yourself along the way.

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Becky Kozma Becky Kozma

Home Brewed Kombucha

Kombucha is an amazing source of probiotics and antioxidants; improving digestion, supporting your immune system, reducing inflammation and promoting good gut flora. With a few simple ingredients and a little patience, kombucha can be easily brewed at home.

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Becky Kozma Becky Kozma

Why To Buy Organic?

You see the labelling and advertising for organic products everywhere, and probably wonder; is it really worth it to buy organic?

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Becky Kozma Becky Kozma

The Connection: Gut-Brain

The nervous system, the immune system, and hormones all play a vital role in the communication between the brain and the gut. This is proven when you are nervous and get butterflies in your stomach…

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Becky Kozma Becky Kozma

Growing Sprouts

Sprouts are very young plants referred to as a ‘nutritional powerhouse’. The seed of the plant is the storehouse of all the nutrients a plant needs to grow, therefore the bioavailability and concentration of nutrients is highest in a sprout.

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Becky Kozma Becky Kozma

Herbs and Essential Oils for Anxiety

Every year, 1 in 5 Canadians experience a mental health problem or illness. By the age of 40, 1 in 2 Canadian’s either have had or currently have a mental illness.

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