Loving Yourself
I went back and forth on whether or not this was something that I should share, however I find that the parts of yourself that you would rather push to the side and hide, are also the parts that are crucial to face head on for spiritual growth.
The last few days I have woken up feeling uninspired, tired, and unhappy. I have been in this rut, telling myself that when ‘blank’ happens, I’ll be happy, or when I get ‘blank’, I will feel fulfilled. Comparing myself to others and setting unrealistic expectations, I question what my purpose is. Is the path I am on the ‘right path’? Is what I am doing what I am ‘meant’ to be doing? After taking some time, sitting down and looking at my life, my accomplishments, my goals; I realized that I am right where I am supposed to be. We all are. There will always be parts of your life that you want to grow in or shift, but that is the beauty of it all. To keep learning and growing while being patient and kind to yourself along the way.
Comparing ourselves to others will never bring upon positive feelings and everyday we do have a choice. We don’t necessarily get to choose our current circumstances but we always have the choice of how we react. We can choose to let our struggles, comparisons and self doubt suffocate us, or we can choose to let it go. Unplugging from the outside noise; the beauty standards, the expectations, the judgement, and letting go of the stories of others that was never our journey to begin with. To turn off the constant outside noise, sit with yourself and learn to be content.
I encourage you to take a step forward with me; to love yourself, to practice daily gratitude, to look at yourself deep within and face the darkness head on. Give yourself permission to love yourself as much as you love those around you; to stop comparing and start appreciating.
Breathe in compassion for yourself and breathe out doubt.
I am enough.
with care · b.k